Monday, January 15, 2024

Early Bird Gets the Worm and How to Succeed!

Almost a month before the start of Spring 2024, the start time of the classroom sessions of IS101-3002 was updated from 9 am to 8 am but I plan to be in the classroom 7 am on each Saturday during the semester. As I reached out to each student on the class roster a few days before Christmas to inform them of the 8 am class time start time, Madison (Madi) replied. Two days later, Brandon followed suit. After Christmas and the new year, more students replied to my follow-up outreach.

Now, majority of the students on the class roster have responded and some already distinguished themselves by working on Bonus Quiz 1 - Syllabus or even finished it. Srikalyani, Jonathan, Sathya, and Hunter are in various stages of reaching 100% of BQ1. Anthony and Kiet reached 100% on BQ1 on the same evening a week ago. Madi may have sent in her first attempt on BQ1 the day after the two but not only did the young lady also reach 100% but also asked for help to get a head start on A1 Accounts Setup and Professional Communication, A2 Blog Posts, Articles, Videos, Comments, and LabSim :-)

As I write this inaugural blog post, Keina also reached 100% on BQ1 and more students replied to my outreach. In a few hours, the semester officially begins. Our first classroom meeting is on Saturday, 1/20, 8 am but I will be in the classroom 7 am. I wonder how many students will join AnthonyKietMadi, and Keina...

I look forward to hearing from more students; learning about their backgrounds, how/why they chose to enroll in IS101-3002, Spring 2024; and meet them in-person this Saturday ^_^

Students, what do you think of this 11 min 13 sec video from Motivation2Study:

Click on the video to view and let me know if you don't know how to watch it in full screen


  1. I thoroughly enjoyed Niel deGrasse Tyson's captivating presentation in the video. His incorporation of multiple insightful quotes, particularly the one about bones, stood out to me from the very beginning. I appreciate his emphasis on the idea that success is not solely determined by the college one attends but by individual ambitions, drive, and qualities not necessarily taught in school. Tyson's perspective on grades and the contrasting idea that one should feel a sense of sadness, rather than happiness, upon leaving school adds a thought-provoking dimension to the traditional narrative of academic achievement. The notion of schools viewing students as empty vessels into which information is poured resonates with my own experiences.

  2. I always heard of Neil deGrasse Tyson's "motivational" speeches. I believe that he has very good speaking skills which not only captivates people but is very easy to listen to. Regarding the video I always get lost hearing him rambling on and on and how he complicates even the most simple thing. Watching several interviews of his and podcast he has tendency to do that which is a bit funny. Overall I like the way he presents the idea of tenacity of someone and being able to go through it. Reflecting on this but the idea of individual ambition etc. I like the part where he mention the Carl Sagan story and wonder if he has ever done the same for a student like he mention he would.

  3. Neil deGrasse is a good speaker and has an immense amount of knowledge in regards to the universe, it is refreshing to see him talking about motivation and sharing some of his personal stories. In this video, he speaks about two points that resonate with me. The first one is when he mentions the saying "sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me" speaks to me because i think that as we move towards a society that puts a higher value on mental health, we have also become more divided. We have to be more aware of how our actions make other people feel and sometimes we may forsake our beliefs in order to keep the peace. For example, there have always been Liberals and Conservatives and at some point, everyone used to work together but because we do not know how to deal with other people and their opinions anymore, it is easier to ignore them and become divided by labels. The second part that speaks to me is when he shares his stories of some of the people that had an influence on his life, like his dad, or his dads friend, Johnny Johnson. Having idols and knowing people who have overcome adversity gives us strength and they become a source of inspiration. For me, its a reminder on why its important to have role models and that we as individuals have to potential to become an inspiration for somebody else.

  4. Neil deGrasse Tyson seems to come at life with a serene approach. To overcome any obstacles that come your way and keep pushing. To keep your bearing and focus on the task. I also liked when he mentioned "It's not about what college you went to but your initiative and drive". I agree with this statement, they're many successful people in this world who never even attended college, times have changed and I've heard of instances where college isn't always needed for a certain career anymore. He also mentions how people should want to learn things their entire lives, despite being in school. Knowledge is power and I agree with his statement. I personally have not attended any school in almost 10 years but I still yearned for knowledge in many aspects.

  5. I watched Cosmos when Carl Sagan hosted the show and have continued watching it when Neil deGrasse Tyson took over. He is a superior communicator and has a gift for viewing seemingly complex ideas and presenting them in a very understandable manner. In this video, I appreciate the method he used to explain how self-improvement is a lifelong journey, starting with the tools learned in high school, polished in college and then used throughout our lives. Though he focused on college, I believe the pursuit of self-excellence can be gained through attending trade schools, apprenticeships or other forms of rigorous formalized training that allow the pursuit of self-improvement, not just college or universities. I agree that learning is integral to bettering the individual and in turn, betters our society.

  6. This is my first encounter with Neil deGrasse Tyson as he delves into the pursuit of meaning in life. Rather than seeking meaning externally, Tyson advocates for the creation of one's own purpose. His perspective centers on an ongoing process of never-ending learning, emphasizing the idea that growth and learning are continual aspects of life.

  7. Neil Tyson has always been a favorite of mine. From his motivational speeches to his insights about the cosmos, he has always been able to catch and keep my attention when he is talking. Most likely because of my love of space and the universe, however Neil has a way of explaining concepts, ideas, and theories that make you think and imagine like you are a kid again. This speech is no different and by listening to it brings the thoughts of success and the feeling of I can do anything and nothing can stop me from achieving my goals but me.

  8. I've seen a couple of videos with Mr.Tyson online like on Joe Rogans podcast but this video seems to be my favorite from him, I enjoyed his stories about his father and professor, it proved to me that sometimes the people around you are the ones that push you to the finish line , good or bad encounters. I also took to heart when he mentioned that he teaches others how to think on their own rather than just quoting him which I believe a lot of us due instead of it coming from our own research and thinking we often resort to saying "My teacher told me, so it must be true."

  9. I've been watching Neil Tyson for about 5 years now particularly this video, and till this day he has helped me with my life. I can say back in my even younger years I was so focused on how to find meaning. Find meaning in myself, my purpose, my own path. The moment I started choosing my own meaning, my own path and create something that's fitted for me is when I started succeeding. When I am in that state of creating my own meaning, no one will stop me

  10. Definitely when first hearing and learning about Neil Tyson he was always joked about and not taken seriously. But i do notice that his thought process about dealing with difficult people, is fairly interesting. Highschool is a very difficult time but the best time to start and get used to different and difficult people of many different variety. Unfortunately, we have to deal with people like this on a daily basis, rather it be school, work, home, or anywhere in public, so having this social experience consistently helps you find good ways to navigate around this people and keep going on in your own life.

  11. I have always loved listening to Neil DeGrasse. When he speaks, he does so in a way that encourages you. Not in a way that many people these days do, as in saying everything will be alright ect. He speaks encouraging you that you have a purpose, you just have to be the one to find it. He makes it very clear that we will have to put in the work and effort, but everyone is capable of becoming what they desire. I think his harsh but encouraging approach is so well done and it is interesting seeing him on TikTok and how people react to his videos.

  12. When I watched this video I was not aware of who is Neil deGrasse Tyson, but after listening to his inspirational video , I started googling about him out of my curiosity. It was interesting that he is an American astrophysicist, author, and science communicator. Such a motivational speech from a great achiever is truly meaningful to today's young generation. His words on desire to achieve is most important driving factor to become successful. Also his saying "there is no best in anything, everyday we can become better out of it" inspires us develop yourself with better person, knowledge...

  13. After watch this video I was finding who is Neil deGrasse Tyson is because I am not that much familiar with motivational speakers here. But I used to watch motivational speeches of Muniba Mazari who we called Iron Lady of Pakistan, because they keep me going when it's hard time for me. Like Neil deGrasse Tyson said we deal with different types of people and I believe we learn at least one new thing from all of these. Every time I listen to motivational speech it gives me courage.

  14. In the video, Neil deGrasse Tyson emphasizes the value of personal drive and curiosity over formal schooling. He highlights the importance of conquering problems and coping with unpleasant individuals. Tyson argues for finding purpose in life and becoming a lifelong learner. Reflecting on his involvement in "Cosmos," he expresses a wish to encourage people to think freely. Overall, the film provides insight into Tyson's educational philosophy and inspires critical thinking, leaving a lasting influence.

  15. After watching the video, I learned more about Neil deGrasse Tyson. He wants people to have a drive and ambition to create change in the world and make a difference while continuing our search for knowledge. I also agree with the idea of creating our own purpose and meaning in life rather than trying to find it.

  16. While watching the video, something that was stated really stuck with me. When Neil deGrasse Tyson, was saying how he does not let the things people say to him, hold him back. Rather he just ignores it and moves on, unless if that person is between him and a goal. Then he will have to do what it takes to get around that person whether to go under, over, or around. This really means a lot to me, because you can not just give up when someone is blocking you from becoming better. You actually have to try to work and get past it and make yourself better. Overall, everything mentioned in this video comes with great value.

  17. The topics Neil deGrasse Tyson talks about deeply resonates with my life experiences -- pursuing knowledge on the basis of curiosity and genuine interest rather than money or what's "trendy," not letting anyone tell me what to do with my life, and that college is not always the tried and true pathway for education past high school. Where I was especially resonated was in the very beginning of the video, where he says that it doesn't matter what college anyone goes to, it's about the drive and ambition that person has. Traits like those aren't trained in the classroom like he says. And in my experience, I'm glad that I chose to attend community college. I know I would've regretted going to a four-year institution headfirst. I hope to be as wise as Tyson so that one day I can spread his wisdom along with mine to my loved ones and the future generation.
