Thursday, February 29, 2024

Second Quarter Kicks Off with Student Presentations and Early MOS Success

The past two weeks have been exciting!

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*****Two Saturdays ago*****

Haridev (Dev), Glenda, Brandon, and Justin showed up early to take on Bonus Quiz 5 and kick off the second quarter of IS101-3002, Spring 2024. Dev scored a near-perfect and continued his streak of leading his classmates in BQ performances.

After walking through the answers and rationale of BQ5 with the class, I yielded center stage to Madi who brought us to see why Rochelle Park, NJ is her Special Place -- it's where she grew up, spent time with her huge family, and visiting establishments such as Rochelle Park Shopping Center and Rochelle Park Diner and Grill.

Dev followed and educated us on Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW). Starting with General Welding Process, to the Development of GTAW, to GTAW Welding Process, and concluding with recognition of Margaret “Hap” Brenneke, the lead GTAW welder for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) who worked on the Saturn V rocket.

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

After walking through each of the polishing process for Madi's and Dev's slideshow from their draft slideshow to the final version, I gave the remainder of the classroom session time for students to work their coursework.

*****Last Saturday*****

A migraine kept Dev from the classroom, leaving Glenda the lone challenger to Bonus Quiz 6. Glenda matched Dev's performance on BQ5. I deferred the review of BQ6 and walked through a roadmap for the second quarter of IS101-3002, Spring 2024 and how to prepare for the MO-110 Word certification exam this coming Saturday.

Glenda educated the class on 3 Year to Finish My [Her] Program. In her presentation, the wife and mom to fur babies listed 3 W's: obligations as a Wife and mom, Work (both paid and volunteer), and Wealth (depleted funds) and 2 D's: Determination (I can) and Dedication (I will). I bet my money on 2 D's will triumph over 3 W's and Glenda will earn her Associate of Applied Science in Health Health Information Technology.

Kiet followed by sharing his passion for Basketball. I learned that Dr. James Naismith invented the game in 1891 and saw it included in The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) tournament in 1939. Kiet concluded his presentation with a friendly challenge to the audience with "Game?" I offered the polite young man the opportunity to take the MO-110 later that evening after the morning class session ended.

Click on the image for a larger/clearer view

Kiet and I returned to the classroom and Kiet became the first student from IS101-3002, Spring 2024 to pass MO-110 and earned the first Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) certificate. I am so proud of this young man ^_^ This week, I re-opened Bonus Quiz 6 and Dev eagerly signed up to take it tomorrow evening. I hope more students will join Dev and Kiet :-)


Please watch these two artificial intelligence (AI) videos and answer three questions/topics in your comment:

I Challenged My AI Clone to Replace Me for 24 Hours | WSJ
On April 28, 2023 (7 min 33 sec)

Bad science: AI used to target kids with disinformation on YouTube - BBC World Service
On September 14, 2023 (10 min 10 sec)

(1) What are your thoughts from watching the two videos above?

(2) What did you think of the student slideshow presentations thus far?

(3) How are you starting out the second quarter of IS101-3002, Spring 2024?


  1. (1) From the two videos, I learned that AI technology has the potential to revolutionize various industries and improve efficiency, but it is crucial to address the challenges and risks associated with its misuse and potential harm to vulnerable populations. The WSJ video highlighted the limitations of AI technology in accurately replicating human speech, while the BBC World Service video emphasized the potential misuse of AI in creating disinformation. Both videos underscored the importance of proper regulation and ethical considerations when using AI for impersonation purposes.

    (2) The student slideshow presentations thus far have been impressive. They have showcased the diverse interests and backgrounds of the students, as well as their ability to effectively communicate their chosen topics. The presentations have been engaging and informative, providing valuable insights into the potential benefits and risks of AI technology.

    (3) To start out the second quarter of IS101-3002, Spring 2024, I have made a sincere effort to catch up on my labs and stay on top of my workload. I have also been actively participating in class discussions. I am excited about the potential opportunities for growth and learning in the upcoming quarter.

  2. (1) As usual, humans are trying to use new technology to cheat, get ahead or be lazy. In the WSJ video, the presenter’s challenges tried to evaluate AI’s ability to impersonate a human. The second BBC video showed how pervasive the use of AI is in influencing operations or in another word “propaganda operations.” The video focused on children, but it is equally true with adults and brings back echoes of Josef Goebel’s statement from the 1930’s about if one tells a lie often enough it becomes accepted as the truth. (Sound/Hear) Now with AI, it can make “lies appear to be true.” (Sound and Sight/Hear and See)
    (2) I was absent for the second set, but from the example slides and what I have read, the presentations are very good and cover a broad range of topics that keep them captivating.
    (3) Second quarter, I’ll spend more time on the skills labs so I can get quicker and familiar with the location of the Excel and PowerPoint functions. I may have to prioritize and back off some of IS101-3002 tasks as I complete my main degree graduation requirements since I graduate in this May.

  3. (1) On watching the video on AI, I could understand that AI has progressed very fast than expected in a short duration. There is a recent news that is going viral in all the media, that AI can do the software program. This is a shock to many of the tech experts. I think AI will do all the jobs in future. I have serious questions, then what would human do in future? On watching 2nd video on AI influence on student education, I am disappointed as how the misinformation is spread among the students. School education is the base for any knowledge that a kid attains in his future. If a false information is conveyed to the students, they cannot handle their social life with good knowledge when they are grown up. I would recommend schools to not encourage the kids to use any of the non-standardized platform for their knowledge gain.
    (2) The slideshow presentation is really good. I could feel that the standard of presentation is improving every week. The final discussion on the slideshow before and after changes is a good eye opener for us the understand the perceptions on the slide presentation.
    (3) To Start the 2nd Quarter, I am planning to be bit more focused and plan a head.

  4. (1) As humans, we've conquered our world to become the apex preacher with the tools (weapons) and technology we've created. However, I believe we've also created the tools and weapons to one day end humanity. AI technology is so ubiquitous, and people are so oblivious to how significant it is in human history. Different industries—not only funny videos online but the common workforce, the medical field, law, and many others—are going to implement those technologies. With the second video, well, in my opinion, the media is quick to judge the younger generations all the time. Realistically, if this kind of technology existed in their youth, they would've used it as well. However, great points and questions are brought up about ethics and morals. Overall, I think, in my opinion, every student after COVID has had a significant decline in their education. This tool, like anything else, can be misused, and unfortunately, young children who are oblivious and ignoble are so easy to fool.
    (2) I was actually not there for those presentations because I was drilling that week.
    (3)To start the 2nd quarter, I would put an emphasis on getting my work done in classes like this, where the assignments can take a while to finish in comparison to a class that has multiple assignments but I finish them quickly.

  5. (1) The rapid evolution of AI is truly amazing, especially when we consider its potential to enhance human productivity, creativity, and well-being. The possibilities for AI to generously aid humanity seem virtually limitless, provided it is employed ethically and responsibly. Though I felt disheartened by the misuse of such a valuable tool like AI for guiding and educating children. It's troubling to see individuals spreading false information simply to gain views or monetary value from videos. What's particularly concerning is that these culprits are targeting young kids, who are in the process of forming their foundational knowledge. It's unacceptable that misinformation is being fed to them, potentially disrupting their understanding of the world.
    (2) I believe I was the one who presented, haha! Both Kiet and I did well that day. We gained valuable insights from the first presentation delivered by Madi and Dev.
    (3) During the second quarter of IS101, I've been facing challenges juggling various tasks that demand my attention, especially with assignments and exams from my other classes occurring frequently. Despite these obstacles, I'm managing to keep up and maintain a decent overall performance in IS101. I'm hanging in there, pushing through the workload.

  6. 1) AI plays such a main role in this generation that we might not recognized who is the real one and who is the AI. In the busy life people find time for them by assigning their AI version for the other tasks. That would be smart. However technology carry us to a digital world that we never imagined.
    2) I participated to all slideshow presentations and here Kiet's and Glenda's presentations were so good and they did it well.
    3) During the second quarter I think I performed well in IS101 but I've been struggling within communication class.

  7. 1) To see these "bad science" videos overtake science videos from legitimate people is saddening. Not only do "bad science" videos misinform audiences about the world around them, they also discourage these legitimate creators from creating videos, thus letting "bad science" videos take over. Content creation crosses the line in morality when it praises minimal-effort videos used to gather views and money over educating the audience.
    2) After seeing a lot of my classmates' presentations, I loved seeing everyone's different interests in life and how they expressed that through PowerPoint.
    3) I've been behind on LabSim and some assignments, but I did manage to catch up on everything leading up to the MO-210 exam which I will take this Saturday.

  8. 1) AI can be misused, just like everything in life. The uproar over this technology reminds me of how "old people'' are always bashing the new cool thing in life, or always talking about the "old days". Alcohol can be misused, coffee, drugs, video games, food, you name it. We just have to accept that this is a new part of life now. I honestly would be excited to see someone make an entire movie out of this technology and see where it goes, it's already being done with art and music. There are clearly some minute details that can make AI easy to pick out from a real video. Something I noticed from the first video was that it can lack emotions. As for misinformation, ever since the 2000's we've always been told DON'T BELIEVE what you see on the internet! So what makes this any different? People playing the victim in these cases are just part of the problem.

    2) The student presentations were great, everyone got to talk about things they were passionate about which gave us a perspective of how they are like outside of class. Seeing how simplifying and making the presentation eligible from far away is important when presenting slideshows in a professional setting outside of class, not only that but being a strong speaker to an audience is important as well.

    3) I've certainly fallen behind compared to the first quarter and getting a stomach virus the day before my exam didn't make me feel so good about it as well. I plan to make up for it during the PowerPoint portion of this class, I assume it will be more forgiving than Excel.

  9. (1) Reflecting on the two videos, I've gained insights into the transformative potential of AI across various sectors, alongside the imperative to address its risks, especially regarding vulnerable communities. The WSJ piece highlighted AI's struggle to authentically replicate human speech, while the BBC World Service segment shed light on its potential for spreading disinformation. Both underscored the necessity for robust regulation and ethical considerations in AI applications, particularly in impersonation contexts.

    (2) The student presentations have been commendable, showcasing diverse perspectives and effectively communicating insights on AI's impacts. They've proven engaging and informative, offering valuable perspectives on both the promise and perils of AI technology.

    (3) Starting the second quarter of IS101-3002, Spring 2024, I've prioritized catching up on lab work and maintaining diligence with assignments. Actively participating in class discussions has been another focus, as I anticipate significant learning opportunities in the coming weeks.

  10. (1) From the two videos I learned on really how big of a impact that AI has on us, and I could only image the future generations. It also shows that the possibilities of AI are really endless if you know how to use it. Another thing that was caught onto from the first video. Is that the AI did quite well for what it is. However AI has no feelings so there is no way it can be for sure humane.
    (2)The students slideshows this far have been amazing and engaging. It is fun to learn about people hobbies. As far as welding to playing basketball. It just really shows on how diverse our classroom is.
    (3) Like some others I have fell behind in class. However I plan to work on it this second quarter and be the best version of myself. Professor Wu, said something that opened my eyes and that was, "I have a student every semester that gets Microsoft Expert who will it be this year." This kind of stuck to me and I am using it as my motivation to get these certifications and to catch up.

  11. AI is the first big technological change I have experienced in my life. I feel like telling my kids one day that I went through school without AI is going to be equivalent to my parents telling me they could not just google things when they were in school. And I find that an interesting realization. The advancements AI have made in such a short time is kind of scary, as it is becoming more and more difficult to differentiate what is AI and what isn’t.
    I really enjoyed watching everyone's slide shows. I love learning about people and I love watching people talk about things that truly mean something to them. Having no real purpose for the topic of the slideshow and making it more for how we use powerpoint, it allowed all of us to see people talk about things that they love and care about.
    I started out the second semester strong. I was completely caught up and it was refreshing to know that I could start the second half with a fresh start. Not trying to play catch up is always such a relieving feeling.
