Sunday, April 21, 2024

Mat Honan's Epic Hack, 3 Phases, Automation

The past two weeks contained the ascension from Phase 2 to Phase 3 IS101-3002, Spring 2024 for most students in the class.

The two top performers each took a different path. One focused on preparing for and taking the MO-210 Excel certification exam first while the other focused finishing Bonus Quiz 11 on-time. Both Haridev (Dev) and Glenda passed the Excel certification exam along with seven others, joining Kiet who defeated MO-210 more than a month ago.

Rarely has a student taken all eleven bonus quizzes and for as long as I can remember, no student has ever earned a perfect score on BQ11. Glenda and Dev both achieved this feat this semester. I am extremely proud of them :-) I look forward to see how they perform on the upcoming BQ12 & 13 (given together) and the final BQ14 on our final class session.

Half of BQ11 is based on another rare gem of an article I encountered in my past years. Not only is it rare for someone to walkthrough being a victim of a social engineering scam and this article was written by a reporter who skillfully regaled us with every nuance of the scam and his emotions, but Mat Honan's story illustrated that we as individuals are not the only vulnerable targets but entities that holds our data are too!

Two class sessions ago, Brandon played tour guide for us on My [His] Journey Through Tennis. Illness has prevented the athletic young man from presenting the week prior, but his creative slideshow was finally seen by the class. In yesterday's class session, Kaleah (Eden) took us down our individual memory lanes as the avid collector showcased My [His/Her/Theirs] Console Collection. At least one of the Sony and Nintendo gaming consoles resonated with an audience member. Mine was Playstation 1, but the other, Nintendo Entertainment System, was not shown.

In the past two weeks, many students have completed their A6 Spreadsheet with Trailer and A7 Mail Merge using Object Linking & Embedding (OLE) is starting to trickle in. The former is the apex of Phase 2: Determined and Analytical and the latter is giving students the opportunity to transition into Phase 3 Creative and Independent. This coming Saturday, I will walk through A6 with the class to help them prepare for BQ12 & 13 which can raise their course grade by half a letter grade.

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(1) Instead of step-by-step instructions or a topic covered by LabSim, A7 simulates a business scenario outside of the classroom. How was your experience in analyzing A7's requirements and using the Mail Merge wizard and files given to you to fulfill the requirements?

(2) Choose one from these two -- or do both ^_^

(a) Mat Honan's Epic Hack article may have been published in 2012, but the lessons and consequences still applies today! I extracted the article's content for a cleaning reading experience free of ads and distractions into a PDF attached to Discussion 11 in Canvas. Please read it and share your thoughts in your comment on how you would change your cybersecurity hygiene in better protecting yourself.

(b) John Oliver's 2019 video on Automation looked into the past on how automation shaped our lives and how automation and artificial intelligence may shape our lives going forward. What are your thoughts on what he presented? Do you think the 2013 report mentioned in the video is on target? How do you think you may be affected by automation or artificial intelligence?


  1. 1. For A7, my experience was a hard one. I kept trying and trying, and eventually I figured after focusing and trying so hard, I would turn it in as my attempt. My attempt may not have been perfect or correct, but it showed that at least I tried and spent the time on the assignment.

    2b.John Oliver's 2019 video on automation offered valuable insights into the growing impact of technology on our society. It's evident that automation and artificial intelligence are reshaping the job market, as highlighted by the 2013 report "The Future of Employment: How Susceptible Are Jobs to Computerization?" The report's estimate that nearly half of US employment is at risk of automation underscores the magnitude of this shift.

    Reflecting on how automation could affect me personally, there's a real concern about potential job loss as businesses increasingly turn to AI and automation for cost-saving measures. While these technologies offer benefits like improved efficiency, they also pose challenges such as job displacement and the need for retraining.

    It's essential for us to acknowledge these complexities and work together as a society to address them. As we embrace automation and AI, we must prioritize strategies for mitigating their adverse effects and ensuring a smooth transition for affected workers. This requires thoughtful consideration and proactive measures to safeguard both our workforce and the broader community.

  2. 1.A7 was one of the most difficult assignments I worked on. First, I did not know how to set up the C: Temp drive until after I sat down with Professor Wu. I attempted the assignment using the Mail Merge using the Wizard which I figured out. BTW I am uncomfortable using Wizard’s since I really don’t understand what the “magic” behind what them so if I make a mistake, I spend hours undoing my errors or starting over. I was able to get the merged files to appear on my home computer but once I opened them up with Professor Wu at school...Oh Boy... they weren’t there... so poor Jethro most likely would’ve killed me. Root cause, I didn’t know how to use the C:Temp drive which now I do. After a lot of patient instruction from Professor Wu, now I understand the OLE concept and Mail Merge so am reattempting the A7 assignment…so far so good😊.

    2b. John Oliver’s method’s though humorous are extremely thought provoking. Throughout human history automation has displaced jobs and caused massive changes in populations. Domestication of large draft animals and harnessing them to provide power to work machines, the harnessing of water to power mills reduced home spinners, use of water ways eliminated short haul transport industries, sails to steam power reduced the number of sailors, are just a few examples from the distant past that caused upheavals in the labor force. The 21st Century brings AI and robotic automation as newer technologies causing upheavals to the current labor force. The common theme, as we’ve seen even in the distant past, is the lack of bold strategic forward-looking leadership anticipating the affects these technologies will have on the labor force providing training and education for the new jobs resulting from these technologies. And providing this training early not on the cusp of the layoffs. From our past, early 1800s steam power brought us boiler makers and boiler tenders as whole new class of jobs; the early 1900s internal combustion and the need for engine mechanics; early 2000s Cellular network and the need for network specialists and in the 2020s we see AI. What we don’t see is leadership in the AI realm, determining what training and education is needed to turn AI into a beneficial technology leveraging it for jobs and positive benefits, countering the negative aspects but what we do see is fear mongering and ignoring the issues which leads to job loss, fear, and the pursuit of unhappiness. Mr. Oliver video brings this out in a very humorous but powerful way.

    I am seeing AI and automation changing the fabrication and welding field at an unprecedented rate, welders are now becoming more machine programmers and operators except in the rugged extreme environments, but this will soon change as the machines become more ruggedized. In welding, GIGO still applies so even with AI, good welders will still be needed to ensure the AI algorithms are correct.

  3. 1) A7 simulates a business scenario outside of the classroom. - I agree to this, A7 is not something repetition of what is in LabSim. It's completely different which allows us to think out of box and fuels up our analytical skill which is required in our today's competitive job environment.
    (2) (b) John Oliver's 2019 video on Automation: What are your thoughts on what he presented?
    He has brought the reality in a funnier way. But whatever he has presented is really to be considered.
    Do you think the 2013 report mentioned in the video is on target? Yes, what they said is true, but in different dimensions. They have reported that the current jobs will be lost. But there is a transition on nature of job they do now and after implementation of automation.
    How do you think you may be affected by automation or artificial intelligence? Automation and robotics replacing the current jobs is taking place in slowly. Consider the scenario before IT field evolved, the same was said at that time but still we handled the situation, where there are many new jobs are created in technology field. Similarly, there will be a transition of nature of job, but we will still have the jobs. The dimensions of job nature may change but job will not be lost.

  4. 1) At first I was lost on where to begin. After seeing how it was meant to be completed correctly in class, it gave me a much better understanding on what is needed to be done in these scenarios. It also told me that these type of letters are never personally typed even though they may seem like it! They are just automated and sent out in masses.

    2a) When I heard about the cellular data going out for a few hours in March, mainly by AT&T and a few other companies, it really showed me that not even big tech companies are safe. There were a lot of conspiracies floating around but in reality they were hacked from what I think is cyber warfare between two countries, China and America. It may sound crazy but I truly think we are entering a new era of warfare. I actually looked into multiple ways to protect myself and deleted a lot of permissions to app's on my phone and looked more into the settings of my phone and what type of information it shares. I first started by completely deleting TikTok!

  5. 1) With this assignment being formatted like how a business scenario would enact rather than a classroom assignment, it gave me a difficult time understanding what exactly what I'm supposed to do. I eventually ran out of time and had to turn it in incomplete. Watching Professor Wu explain what to do made me finally understand the process. This also helped me understand how certain emails are sent to large numbers of people.
    2a) Reading Matt Honan's article reminded me to always use dual-authentication whenever I can and to always have different passwords for different things. Honan's story was like a chain reaction, where it started with one hack that spread across several of Honan's accounts. To see him get so easily hacked and have his digital life ruined because he didn't have dual-authentication and other protection methods is terrifying.

  6. 1) For A7, I got all merged mails without any difficulties. But I was finding what was the linked mail. I didn’t submit the assignment as soon I got all the merged mails, because I didn’t know what the linked version of the mail was. This is my kind of weak point because I get the final result and I don’t pay attention to the process. Then I asked Professor Wu to give me a hint what is the linked version of mail is? Then Mr. Wu said, “Step before you got merged mails.” That moment I was like, oh is that the linked version of mail, I got it correctly, but I didn’t know it called “Linked mail.”

    2) In John Oliver’s video, it shows how things are getting automated and computerized in present. Machines and AI move forward than humans now. By mentioning 2013 report it says AI and machines will substitute for human jobs and I think it’s happening now, that’s why job market is freezing now and unemployment gets high. But this process is getting slow but the result after the process will be a blast. Because robotics can lead the many situations and they can work as humans also.
    If I get affected by automation, I will get super lazy because everything will get done by less time than I do manually. By the way it will affect humans positively as well as negatively.

  7. 1) I found A7 to be hard, while I managed to correctly identify the initial instruction that Jethro can only access location on drive C, my difficulties arose from filling out the details of the mail merge, resulting in a disastrous outcome for my assignment. In short, I became careless again in the process.
    2) Honan’s articles really scared me on how effortlessly the hacker took control of his account. To avoid this happening to me, I might do the following: not link all my accounts together, use a unique password for each account, and back up my files regularly just to be sure.

  8. 1. The first A7 assignment was definitely challenging, but I found it manageable. Initially, I felt a bit overwhelmed by the requirements, but I realized that taking a step back and slowing down would help me better understand and follow the instructions. By pacing myself and paying closer attention to the details, I was able to figure it out and complete the task successfully. Overall, while it was a tough assignment, it was also a valuable learning experience that helped me improve my problem-solving skills and attention to detail.
    2. Personally, I recognize that automation and AI could affect my profession and daily tasks, potentially leading to changes in job roles or the need to acquire new skills to remain relevant in the workforce. However, I also see opportunities for automation and AI to streamline processes, increase efficiency, and drive innovation in various industries. It's essential to approach these technologies thoughtfully, considering both their benefits and potential challenges.

  9. Honestly I really struggled at first with what A7 was asking of me. I didn't even know what mail merge was so I was confused on what the question was and what the expectations were. Once I talked to a coworker about how confused I was, he knew what mail merge was and showed me how to use it. Once I figured that out, the rest was pretty easy to complete.
    Automation I feel can become a real problem for the future. I am about to enter the workforce and I believe that AI is going to take away many jobs. I have even changed majors off of the talk that the convenience is going to be too high where companies are going to limit real people in the work space.

  10. 1) Mail Merge was a bit difficult to get to grips with while trying to figure it out on my own. While I understand how it works now, it was certainly a confusing process initially.
    2a) Cybersecurity wise, having different emails and passwords is very important even if i'm not too great at following that rule as I find a single email with different passwords far easier to remember. Two factor authentication is also important to have for your various accounts as it would of prevented the hack that occured on Mat Honan from the get go.

  11. (1) Personally when completing A7 I like everyone else I found it difficult. When I first open the assignment I didn't know where to start. It was confusing to read and overwhelming, eventually when I got started and felt like I haven't really learn any of it. It was hard to understand until I watch several YouTube videos of people doing it. Although it was not the same it gave me a footprint on how to start it. With this formula I was able to get it done more quickly I believe. I would be lying if I said I was able to complete this fully on my own, with the help of a fellow classmate it was really made more clear. It definitely was one of the more meticulous assignment I've done for this course.
    (2) John Oliver approach when it came to analyzing the "promises" and "effects" of AI affecting our future was interesting. AI in general is not a new idea , in fact the though of automation or learning machine have been around for a while just now there's been a huge leap in technology to make this more efficient. Although as efficient as it is AI is incredibly fragile to its foundation. Relying on huge data to even start just like any new technology it's incredibly expensive to implement until more efficient and costly ways are discovered. It can streamline automation in the workforce, create efficient tools and innovate in several industries. However like mentioned in the video the human touch to every day task and what many employers and bosses recognizes as "mistakes" is what has driven us to improve.

  12. 1) My experience with A7 was interesting. It felt overwhelming at first, especially without a clear step by step process of how to complete the assignment. I was totally unfamiliar with the mail merge functions so it took me a while to get an idea of what to do. I had to take a few minutes to watch YouTube videos and multiple attempts with the Merge Wizard to get going. After I got started, things started to flow at a smooth pace but there were still some areas that I was a little unsure of.

    2) I am familiar with the terms "Automation" and "AI". In 2020, there was Presidential candidate who brought the dangers of automation to my attention. One of his main campaign points was that politicians were misleading voters by blaming immigrants instead of automation for the loss of blue collar jobs in the 80's and 90's. I believe there is a real chance for people to loose their jobs, especially in fields where the work can become repetitive. If we are not careful, many people will loose out on opportunities and could be left behind. One of the points that Oliver makes that resonates with me the most is when we talk about retraining workers. Many of the jobs that will be in danger of being replaced by automation are currently performed by individuals who did not require college degrees or specialized skills to get those jobs. Therefore, it will be challenging to expect those individuals to get re-educated and trained when schooling was never something that they looked forward to doing from the beginning.

  13. 1) At first I was so confused about how to even attempt this assignment, I had never heard of Mail merge before so I did have to conduct some research for it and since I have a MacBook I didn't have an option for Merge Wizard but I figured it out and once I learned how to do it I felt this assignment was way easier than A6 and I actually feel this would apply in real life to use.

    2) I have been one of those people who have one or two passwords for all sites so I know in the past my cyber awareness was pretty bad when it came to personal stuff, I wouldn't be surprised if my account was hacked just like Mat. I often thought to myself how hard would it be for someone to log in as me, I know with Apple they just need to log in once at the app store and they can buy whatever they want I know this because on my sons iPad I bought him something on his game and since I entered my password once to buy the item he was able to buy more stuff without me knowing.

  14. 1) I got very confused with A7. For some reason it was just not working out for me and I just kept retrying and retrying till I just turned in what I got. However 2 days later I went back to look at it, and watched a video about the process and learned it since its a useful task to know. After this, the assignment looking back should have been a breeze.

    2) Like many are saying its super scary on how quick this hacker was able to destroy his digital footprint. However its also important to use this as a learning experience. He tends to mention this stuff about a "four-digit PIN". This is also known as two factor authentication. I think this is one of the best things on the internet; although some people hate it and says it takes too long. In reality its one of the only reasons why 90% of us have not been hacked yet.
